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Love me or not , here I am

04 Feb

Paint your dream

Published by Ela Hadzic

Imagine the world is a blank page , you are the artist. Using only your emotions , fears , strengths and weaknesses as colours. What would that picture be like? What would it say about you? And what difference would it make? ...  I believe each one of us have the ability to make the world a better picture, if we use the right colours we can change the world. Each day is a new blank sheet and if we thought about it carefully , we would wake up to a better place. It is so sad , that  we have been accustomed to rules , not rules by law but those made by people. Then there are those who follow and it becomes a normality , a must ... to be in a certain way. I don't like this very much so I see that picture as sad, dark and limited. Do not surrender to that, free yourself of those chains and be who you want to be , use more colours dont just let the black and grey dominate your world , you and your life. Love, love and love some more, love yourself and everyone love everything. Let yourself go, dream and paint a picture.Let every tomorrow be a better one.  Draw a smile on your face and see the world smile back. Don't be afraid to dream, if your dreams aren't big enough then they are not dreams .... Only you can change the world by changing your colours , don't concentrate on others' painting , be original be daring , take a risk. You have nothing to lose and you get a blank page tomorrow. Make your life a better world, get rid of colours you have used too much too often and see the changes it brings. Colour the pages of those you love with the best colours, those that last and those that change the life , the dream and the world. Vincent Van Gogh said 'First I dream my painting then I paint my dream' .

Imagine the world is a blank page , you are the artist. Using only your emotions , fears , strengths and weaknesses as colours. What would that picture be like? What would it say about you? And what difference would it make? ... I believe each one of us have the ability to make the world a better picture, if we use the right colours we can change the world. Each day is a new blank sheet and if we thought about it carefully , we would wake up to a better place. It is so sad , that we have been accustomed to rules , not rules by law but those made by people. Then there are those who follow and it becomes a normality , a must ... to be in a certain way. I don't like this very much so I see that picture as sad, dark and limited. Do not surrender to that, free yourself of those chains and be who you want to be , use more colours dont just let the black and grey dominate your world , you and your life. Love, love and love some more, love yourself and everyone love everything. Let yourself go, dream and paint a picture.Let every tomorrow be a better one. Draw a smile on your face and see the world smile back. Don't be afraid to dream, if your dreams aren't big enough then they are not dreams .... Only you can change the world by changing your colours , don't concentrate on others' painting , be original be daring , take a risk. You have nothing to lose and you get a blank page tomorrow. Make your life a better world, get rid of colours you have used too much too often and see the changes it brings. Colour the pages of those you love with the best colours, those that last and those that change the life , the dream and the world. Vincent Van Gogh said 'First I dream my painting then I paint my dream' .

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Love me or not , here I am